List Of Marriage Green Card Interview Questions

Prepare For Simple Questions

Even if you have submitted all evidence that you are actually married to a US citizen, if you are an immigrant, the immigration service will conduct an interview where they will ask you certain questions. You can see what types of questions you may be asked at green card marriage interview questions.

Immigrants must prove that they are actually married to a US citizen in order to receive full citizenship status that will allow them to work normally, claim insurance, graduate from college, and have all the rights of any US citizen.

Green Card Marriage Interview Questions

You must submit evidence such as rental agreements, credit card statements, photographs, utility bills, bank statements, and anything else that proves your marriage to the immigration office. After that, there is a mandatory interview conducted by the immigration service. In that interview, very simple questions may be asked for which you still need to prepare.

Questions usually start from the very beginning of your relationship, such as where and when you met, when you had your first kiss, where was your first date, what did you wear on your first date, where the wedding ceremony took place, where you went on vacation, how is the division of labor in the house, do you visit a religious site with your spouse, do you have mutual friends and many other questions to which you must give honest answers.

If you want to be fully prepared for your green card interview, see green card marriage interview questions for a list of all possible questions that the immigration officer may ask you.